GC columns
Thermo Fisher Scientific offers a range of novel and innovative GC columns to meet the changing and challenging needs of today’s analyses in markets such as envirommental, food safety, petrochemical and forensics.
Thermo Scientific* TraceGOLD* GC columns are a leap forward in GC column technology. This novel range of products offers a guaranteed performance in GC columns, giving a user the following benefits:
- Ultra-low bleed
- Superior inertness
- Excellent reproducibility
Thermo Scientific TRACE* GC columns offer excellent reproducibility for a wide range of applications.
Thermo Scientific TracePLOT* GC columns are the latest innovation in PLOT column technology, providing reproducible analyses of permanent gases, hydrocarbons and solvent.
Ask about productTraceGOLD
- Ultra lowbleed – Leading to greatersensitivity, essential for GCMS applications, while providing extended column lifetime.
- High levels ofreproducibility – Both run-to-run and column to column reproducibility. Expect everycolumn to provide the same high levels of performance asthe previous one.Guaranteed.
- Superiorinertness – Offering highlyinertcolumns ensuring excellent peakshape and sensitivity, especially for highly active or difficultcompounds.
Columns: TG-1MS, TG-XLBMS, TG-5MS, TG-SQC, TG-5MS AMINE, TG-5SilMS, TG-5HT, TG-35MS, TG-35MS AMINE, TG-1301MS, TG-624, TG-VRX, TG-VMS, TG-17MS, TG-1701MS, TG-225MS, TG-200MS, TG-WaxMS, TG-WaxMS A, TG-WaxMS B, TG-OCPI / TG-OCP II, TG-OPP I / TG-OPP II, TG-ALC I / TG-ALC II, TG-POLAR, TG-1MT Metal, TG-5MT Metal, TG-WaxMT Metal.
TRACE GC Columns offer high temperature stability and exhibit low bleed and long lifetimes. TRACE GC columns provide excellent quality and performance with guaranteed reproducibility.
Columns: TR-1, TR-1MS, TR-5, TR-5MS, TR-5HT, TR-35MS, TR-1701, TR-50MS, TR-225, TR-WAX, TR-WaxMS, TR-FFAP, TR-SimDist, TR-V1, TR-FAME, TR-524, TR-525, TR-527, TR-8095, TR-8270, TR-Dioxin 5MS, TR-PCB 8MS, TR-DoA, TR-Biodiesel, TR-Pesticide, UltraFAST.
Thermo Scientific TracePLOT GC Columns offer the latest innovation in PLOT column technology, providing reproducible analyses of permanent gases, hydrocarbons and solvents.
Columns: TG-BOND Alumina, TG-BOND Msieve 5A, TG-BOND Q, TG-BOND Q+, TG-BOND S, TG-BOND U.